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Recorded Shows

Watch the shows that have already been streamed on ShowlivrePlay!

Esteban - LIVE direct from the Studio

Presentation recorded on 7/17/2020, made from ShowlivrePLAY Studio.

Chico Cesar - Interactive Show directly from the Studio

Presentation recorded on the 10/7/2020, made from ShowlivrePlay studio.

Tribo de Jah – LIVE for #musicasalva

Presentation recorded on 5/8/2020, made from the artists' house for the #musicasalva campaign.

About ShowlivrePlay

No ShowlivrePlay, os artistas se apresentam ao vivo para seus fãs a partir de casas de shows, festivais, estúdios e até do próprio Estúdio Showlivre.

The shows are always unique, unmissable experiences that you won't find anywhere else.

ShowlivrePlay believes that it can contribute to the amplification of the artists' audience beyond the in-person stages, expanding its fan base and getting even closer to its current fans.

O artista aumenta sua audiência e o fã assiste a shows exclusivos com todo o conforto e comodidade em qualquer lugar que esteja. 

Tudo ao alcance do celular, tablet, desktop ou SmartTV.

Discover the upcoming schedule here: Live Shows 

Missed the opportunity to watch a live show?

Discover the catalog here: Recorded Shows 

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